2022 - 2023

Are you interested in online learning? A good place to start is right here! Each topic provides helpful information and tips for success. As well, you might also want to return to this site for a refresher once your studies are underway.

Check it out; you are under no obligation, just enjoy the learning experience!

This tutorial is for all students who want to learn how to use the Library. There are no assignments and no grades.

Go through the research process and learn the skills you need to find articles, books, and other information sources to complete your assignments, especially research papers.

Welcome to Selkirk College's Wellness and Mental Health Support Moodle page. We created this online space for you to access as much helpful information as possible right at your fingertips. Here you will find a variety of wellness topics, workshops, resources, and discussion opportunities to broaden your understanding of what mental wellness means to you and to suggest research-based lifestyle changes to make positive impacts in your life.

There are no evaluations or grades in these sections; rather, the topic areas are opportunities to learn, reflect, and explore potential positive changes that you could make in your life. Each topic is split into sections that are similar to what you might see in your academic Moodle pages. You can explore each topic at your own pace and will have psychoeducational content, reflection questions, optional behavioural challenges, and external resources. 

You will also see a variety of Quick Support Links on the right hand side of this portal page. These links are there for you to contact us and explore supports outside of Selkirk.

Take your time and explore what mental wellness means to you!

- Student Access & Support Team